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Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI)

About US
HRMI® has been instrumental in building the HR brand in worldwide and beyond the local shores. We started off as a group of like-minded HR professionals who meet up periodically to discuss labor and industrial relations issues. Then, Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI) was officially registered with 6 members. Now, HRMI owns a strong network of over 50000 members and represents the interests of over million employees in worldwide.

HRMI® The Human Resource Management Institute is a United States of America 501(c) international nongovernmental organization operating globally with registered educational centers worldwide extend seamless access to high quality, affordable and convenient learning opportunities as well as global knowledge transfer network throughout HRMI® headquarters. However, the HRMI®is an affiliated to the World Green Economy Council (WGECO®), recognized by European Union (EU) with registration no 106232728140-79 and United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs (UN-DESA) and United Nations Global Compact with registration no 112301.

Furthermore, the HRMI® complying with the requirements of ISO 17024 set forth by the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, launched ISO 17024 in 2002. It is now endorsed by 115 countries, and is a globally accepted accreditation standards for personnel certification bodies. Then, ISO 17024 accreditation standards further validation of the HRMI’s status as the most globally transferable HR Management credential in the world.

HRMI® creates a comprehensive suite of events, conferences, seminars, dialogues and sharing sessions that serve as springboard for corporations and individuals to find their own breakthroughs and transformations from discussions, exchanges, learning and networking. Our academic programs and workshops are also customized to cater to the dynamic learning needs of the current workforce. HRMI aims to reach out to the different stratums of the workforce, from the professionals, managers, executives, technicians (PMETs) to the mature and retrenched workers, and those who are into career transitions. HRMI seeks to provide them with the resources and avenues to enhance their competency and competitive levels to maintain employability.


Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI)
Address- 1
4406 Tennyson Road, Wilmington
Delaware State, USA
Address- 2
630 N Tustin St b, Orange
California, USA

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Newport University offers Tuition Free Distance Education projects for Deprived Citizens in different countries around the World
Tuition free distance undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs study project in different countries under the International Peace and Development Institute for deprived citizens around the world to confirm that every human being has inherited the right to learn for the welfare of the global society and become a leader.
Former Students Degree Verification
Please be informed that all the past degree holders of the University, who need to verify their degrees, contact directly along with an Application and soft-copies of Certificate and Transcript to the University office by e-mail at