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A Message from the Honorary Chairman about the NEWS published regarding foreign universities operation in Bangladesh.

Dear Students and Guardians,

Take my best wishes to all of you. Today I am writing due to have some quarries from our support centers from Bangladesh mentioning, students require to know our reaction about the NEWS published on March 17, 2012 by a national daily newspaper “The Bangladesh Protidin”. The NEWS says, “the Ministry of Education and University Grant Commission Bangladesh has found 61 foreign universities operating their branch campuses in Bangladesh. Most of this foreign universities has no legal entity in their establishing country and they are selling degrees out of their states”.

I would like to ensure all of you that, we are respectful to all the states law concerning the mechanism for confirming education quality locally. I had known few years ago that Bangladesh is in process to adopt a law for establishing Cross Boarder Higher Education (CBHE) in the country, but recently I have informed that is still in process and going to be establish soon. Definitely our support centers will be under the umbrella of this upcoming CBHE law according to the requirements where applicable.

I am feeling that all of you should have clear knowledge about Newport University CED (NUCED), Latvia, EU and its educational process. The NUCED was established in August 2008 as an independent postsecondary educational institution of the World Distributed University (WDU) that has been granted its Charter by the International Informatization Academy (IIA) in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the United Nations in 1997 to provide higher education worldwide. The IIA is only of its own kind that has its branch “Informatization and United Nations” at the UN’s Headquarters in New York.

The cornerstone of Newport University CED’s programs is Distributed-Based Education (DBE). The DBE is an educational system which emphasizes the concept of distributed resources. The principal goal of DBE is to customize learning environments to better-fit different learning styles. In this new pedagogical model, students are encouraged to learn in an interactive and collaborative environment. Distributed-Based Education is an instructional model that allows instructor, students, and content to be located in different, non-centralized locations so that instruction and learning occur independent of time and place. The distributed learning model can be used in combination with traditional classroom-based courses, with traditional distance learning courses, or it can be used to create wholly virtual classrooms.

Newport University CED, Latvia, EU has no campus facilities in Bangladesh. At present the university has campus facilities only in India and Ghana (under construction). The other countries including Bangladesh has only the support center facilities. The support center facility of the university is important, due to the need of practical training facilities for the students; for which courses practical training is an integrated part of the course work. But the support centers are not authorized to operate independently in favor of the university, because the students need to pay for their admission, registration and administrative fees directly to the Latvia administration office of the university or in presence of the university office in the respective country, where the support center is established. The university shall make arrangement for its students from the support centers in the respective country to take year semester final exam at its selected international exam venue (e.g. Alliance Française or Brithish Council network worldwide) and the question and exam papers are send and evaluated directly by the university authority, then the result of the exam publish at the university website.

So, I would like to request to the students and their guardians not to be confuse, as we are always very much concern about our students and their future life. We shall take all the required initiatives for the degree authorization according to the concern legal authority of Bangladesh.


Eduard Evreinov,
Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof.
Winner of the Lenin prize (N2)
Global Education System
International Center of Informatization
World Distributed University
Vice-President and Chairman of the Trustee Council
International Informatization Academy
Honorary Chairman
Newport University CED, Latvia, EU
Dated: March 20, 2012

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